Quotes from Haven

Max: Class one, V.I.P., no-questions-asked sector passes. I had to hang upside-down outside a window for an hour to swipe these from police headquarters. I almost horked I got so nauseous, and I hate horking.

Guard: Welcome to Cape Haven.
Max: Where the men are men and tourists are afraid.

Benny: Sure like milk, huh.
Max: It does a body good.

Logan: That's right, I forgot. I'm not supposed to help you because you're the super hero and I'm the guy on wheels.

Logan: You're the carpenter?
B.C.: Toolbox. Wood. Truck. Thought I was the dentist?

Logan: Max, this is insane.
Max: It's the only explanation.
Logan: No, it's grave-robbing.

Max: I get it now. Even the ghost makes sense.
Logan: Ah, ghost makes sense. So, what? Now you're avenging restless spirits?

Logan: We are armed! Leave now or you will meet with forceful resistance!
B.C.: Heh heh. All right, we'll just be leaving then, man. Just gotta tie up a few loose ends first.

Max: It's good to know that when the super hero's otherwise occupied, the sidekick's ready to step in.

Max: They say that you can't raise the dead, but sometimes if you're prepared to go through a little bit of hell, maybe you can.

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