Synopsis of Medium is the Message
Written by TK
Max and Logan are each pursuing solving their virus problem in their own way. Max is working off the few notes that their skedaddling doctor left, and is storing her work at Joshua's house. When Joshua discovers a love of painting, Alec starts selling the paintings to a gallery. Joshua accidentally paints over some of Max's important notes, but the painting has already been sold when he realizes what happens. Alec tries to get the painting back but Rita, the gallery owner, says she'll only return it in exchange for either meeting the artist or two more paintings. Joshua labors at two more paintings, but he's lost his muse, and Rita doesn't like them. Joshua then tries to steal his own painting back from the gallery. Joshua meets Rita, who, because she is so infatuated with his work, is kind to him and reminds him to paint for himself, not for the masses. Joshua is able to bring his painting home and then is moved by the sight of a sleeping Max on his couch and finds his muse again.
Meanwhile, Logan has been calling up doctors, but no one will help him or listen to him. He tries to track down Lydecker to see if the ex-Manticore employee can hook him up with any more useful ex-Manticore doctors, but Lydecker is nowhere to be found. In the course of his investigation, Logan finds out that Lydecker's car was found in a river with some interesting pictures in it. The pictures show an Indian burial ground with the Manticore symbol crudely painted on the wall.
Logan, to make a little money, takes on a case of a missing child, but is shocked when he realizes that the woman he is helping is Ames White's wife, and he is hunting for White's son. Logan explains to Max what's going on, and after viewing a surveillance video that clearly shows transgenics doing the kidnapping, they both go to talk to Wendy, White's wife. Wendy doesn't believe them when they tell her what her husband does for a living and why they believe her son was kidnapped. White comes home while Logan and Max are there, and Wendy is surprised when he pulls a gun on Max. Max disarms White and threatens to kill him, but doesn't. She says she'll still look for White's kid and she and Logan leave.
From the surveillance video, Logan tracks where Ray, White's son, is being held. Max goes to the location but has her ass handed to her by two guys that definitely have supernatural powers, but don't have bar codes and fight differently from Manticore transgenics. When Max gets dumped into the basement of the building and the two men leave with Ray, she spots the Indian burial ground which was in Lydecker's photographs. Meanwhile, Logan has found other burial sites through history, dating back to Mesopotamian age, marked with the Manticore symbol. Logan and Max realize they've stumbled on something huge, but they can't figure out what.
Max goes back to White's house and track him and his wife after they get a call from the kidnappers with a ransom demand. While Max is spying on the nervous couple waiting in a warehouse, she gets a call from Logan explaining that White is involved in some breeding experiment, and his wife was just a breeding partner and was supposed to be killed. Meanwhile, White is explaining to his wife that she should have been killed before, but he made the mistake of falling in love with her, but now that she's asking too many questions he has to kill her. Max jumps through the window just in time to save Wendy, and finds herself in a losing fight again White who is obviously not a normal human himself. White gives her a good thrashing and then makes a run for it. Logan and Max relocate Wendy to somewhere safe.
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