Quotes from Art Attack

Max: You clean up nice.
Logan: So do you.

Sketchy: One thing you can say about Normal is at least he knows who he is.
Cindy: A complicated crusty angry rhythm-free Republican white man?

Uncle Jonas: If you're shacked up with him you're probably one of those free-thinkers too and think I'm talking out my ass.
Max: Not unless you wear your hat on your ass.

Max: The great and powerful Eyes Only is gonna let himself get crapped all over and ripped off my his own family? I need another drink.

Max: So what's the dealio with this catching the bouquet thing?
Cindy: Whoever catches it is supposed to get married next to the man of her dreams. Some kind of bent heterosexual thing. Cindy: Nothing like a room full of flat-assed white girls to get your mind off of defenestration.

Logan: Don't make any plans for Easter. You don't want to miss Uncle Jonas and his giant bunny outfit.

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